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A Cabby's Tale

       Welcome to the official home of the book: A Cabby's Tale, which is my third book. It will be a departure from the field of my first two books: To Make a Better World, a handbook for living a good secular life, and Mythos & Logos, which is a philosophical work proposing a new secular worldview. Unlike them, A Cabby's Tale is a fictional novel of a somewhat autobiographical nature.

        The story is set as a narrative description drawing on elements from my own life, and the main character is myself. Though it is a fictional novel, there are some elements, people, places, and events that are true inserted in the story. I leave it up to the reader to decide for herself or himself what parts of the story are real and what is not.

        As this book develops and moves closer to publication I will provide some teasers and excerpts here. So be sure to bookmark this website to stay up to date and to catch time-restricted goodies.

Publication  Information:

This book is currently being written,
with publication anticipated for summer of 2016.

ISBN-10: not yet published
ISBN-13: not yet published

Gotta Wait for It

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Link to the official page for the book: Mythos and Logos

Link to the official page for the book: To Make a Better World

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